BLOG POST #14 February 3, 2016
Trump's Sociopath DescriptionWe cannot forget that Donald Trump is dangerous sociopath. His life has been a disgusting parade of law breaking, bullying, race hatred, philandering, and without the capacity to follow one subject for more than five minutes. Below is the checklist that matches with Trump.
Factor 1: Personality "Aggressive narcissism"
Glibness/superficial charm - check - Self evident
Grandiose sense of self-worth - check - I am genius and only need to consult with my brain
Pathological lying - check - Only 4% truth telling
Cunning/manipulative - check - How he has conned his slaves.
Lack of remorse or guilt - check - Will not apologize to god
Shallow affect (genuine emotion is short-lived and egocentric) - check - Mocking diabled and war veterans
Callousness; lack of empathy - check - Saying he is right when mass murders happen
Failure to accept responsibility for own actions - check - if he loses election he is cheated and rigged.
Factor 2: Case history "Socially deviant lifestyle".
Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom - check - Inability to talk one topic evidenced by daily flipflopping
Parasitic lifestyle - check - history of cheating the weak and small guys including Trump U, vendors and employees
Poor behavioral control - check - Troll him with a tweet and he will hit back without control
Lack of realistic long-term goals - check - evidenced by failed businesses like Trump airline, Trump Uni, Trump Steak, Trump realty etc
Impulsivity - check - obvious
Irresponsibility - check - attitude of a 6 year old, consequences be damned
Juvenile delinquency - check - as evident by his student days punching the teacher saved by his father
Early behavior problems - check - due to which he was put in boarding school
Traits not correlated with either factor
Promiscuous sexual behavior - check - cheating and multiple marriages
Many short-term marital relationships - check
Criminal versatility - check - keeps on lying and keeps inventing bigger lies to cover previous lies
Acquired behavioural sociopathy/sociological conditioning - check - always gets ahead deceiving everyone
Anyone who is objective can clearly see TRUMP is a sociopath which is also accepted by his "Art of the deal" writer. check the link here is the link to the above list:
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