Wednesday, February 1, 2017

America has become a rogue nation

America, in less than two weeks, has become a rogue nation. Over 20,000 travelers have been stopped in foreign airports from boarding. It as taken years for these people to reach the right and the Visas to come to the United States. Institutions and business throughout the country have had plans and hopes dashed. This is what Trump promised? We have the destroyed thousands of lives. Trump just insulted both the Prime Minister of Australia and the President of Mexico. In the end, his actions constitute treason for they are putting our nation and our citizens in eminent danger especially if they are military people depending on citizens of the banned states for support and aid. Trump will be removing all the sanctions against Russia and the treason will extend to the 65 millions acres of land leased to Exxon for drilling.  White Supremacy is now the rule of the land.

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