Date: March 9, 2017
To: Editor
The Providence Journal
75 Fountain Street
Providence, Rhode Island
SUBJECT: Mr. Gary Sasse’s article: Trump battles guerrillas
Dear Editor:
The My Turn opinion about leaks being released by civil servants by Gary Sasse was stunning for lots of reasons. He clearly would like to stop the leaks. The problem is that without these leaks, we would not know anything about the incompetence of Mr. Trump’s Presidency.
Mr. Sasse prefers to ignore the long term relationship between Jeff Sessions and Stephen Bannon. They are founders and proponents white nationalism. Bannon’s website, Breitbart, has millions of white supremacy advocates.
Not only do Sessions and Bannon support White Supremacy, they want to put women “back” where they belong. These are the ugliest attitudes to be sitting in the Whitehouse in decades. While Mr. Sasse rages against the leakers, he ignores the real “Gorilla” in the room: Donald Trump.
You may think that that is too strong, but let us look at just some of what is happening. The National Endowment for the Arts will be defunded. Planned Parenthood will lose all federal funding. His EPA Secretary denies that humans have anything to do with Global Warming, and will go along with the 26% budget cut in his agency. The State Department will lose 37% of its budget. At Education, Trump appointed a self-appointed advocate for the private school movement. The former Secretary of Labor candidate hated unions. 1,500 positions in the federal government have not been filled, and that does not include the 519 of the 543 positions that require Senate approval which are still empty. With Trumpcare, 15 million Americans will lose their health insurance.
No, the bureaucratic guerrillas are exactly what we need.
Sincerely yours,
Marc Kohler
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