Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Beginning

Here is where we start.

We have to tel the truth as we know it and see it. We need to stop the lies ands distortions from the right wing in this country. We forget that Woodrow Wilson had one visit from Wasghinto Carver, and then NEVER had a black person in the White House. His racism and attqachemtn to Wealthy souterners, and it has been hidden for decades.

From 1880 to 1920 125 million died from the Il Nino Famines. Ths is in the book The Vicotrian Holocausts, El Nino Famies and the Creation of the Third World. The population of the Congo dropped from 20 millions to 10 million durin thse forty years. King Leopold of Belgium created much of this disaster, but the famines killed millions in Africa, Asia, South America, and lot in between.

If we need to know why Hitler could get away with his genocide against Jews, Gypsies, Pacificst, Socialists, Poles, Christians, Blacks, y0u don't have to look further thasn these massive hiolocasts. Hitleer and Allen Dulles were both teenagers and y0ung adults when reports of these catastrophies. Niether of them needed proof that mass murder was a viable way to run the world, and niether one ever should be excused for what they did.

Allen Dulles, y0u ask? Well, according to The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People by John Loftis and Mark Aarons, Dulles had a very cozy relationship with Nazis Officers after WWII, In fact, he brougth ten thousand of these men to America in the late fifties to build a group to fight East Germany. They never did anything, but create the Ethnic Wing of the Republicn Party-led by Presecott Bush's son, George Bush. Oh, Prescott had been indicted and fined for being a traitor in the 1940's because the bank he and Averell Harriman worked for was a Nazi Bank. In 1951, Dulles got ALL of Prescott's money back that he had paid in fines. On the day that Prescott was indicted, Gearge Bush joined the Air Force and the CIA. WShile leading the "thnic Wing"(Nazi) wing of the Republican Party, Bush worked as the director of the invasion of Cuba. Loftis and Aarons tell us that three of the invading ships were named in his honor. Y0u can read the book to get the specifics.

Moreover, this blog will tell y0u more and more about the Lies that we have heard from the right in order to alter our world. Futhermore, with the rifght knowledge, y0u can see a duirect line from the racists Ford, to Father Coglin, to the bushes, to the murders of the to Kennedyis, the wounding of Governeor Wallace, and the deaths of Martin Luther king and Malcolm X. The men whole did these acts HATED FDR and Truman, and have spent sixty years destroying their ideas, hopes, and dreams. Thge climax of their work was the creation Default Credit Swap Bonds. These derivatives are guarenteed and insured. So, look at y0u newspaper for today. For every foreclosure in y0ur paper, a Credit Default Swap Bond holder makes $30 to $40 for every dollar in the foreclosure. These are the "bonuses" that they are paying now. The people who wrote these sub-prime mortgages were paid a Yield Spread Premium(YSP)(lool it up on Google) which was a fee of between $2,000 and $15,000 per mortgage. People were making thousands of dollars writing mortgages that were never going be paid back.

President should claw bacl all YSP payments, abd every Credit Defauklt Swap Bond
payment. If you go to Time Magazine for March 2008, look at the article by Janet Morrissey where she predicts 45 trillion dollars will be moved out of our economy ny about 25,000 people. Today, the predictions put these bond holders will walk away with 75 Trillion dollars. Obama could claw this back, and our crisis would be over. The rel quesrtion is what and where are these trillions of dollars going to be used. There is enough money there to BUY every election in America for the next five decades.

more later.....

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