Saturday, September 1, 2012

·                                 I’m a bit concerned about these Occupy Boston, Providence, etc. Could this be the beginning of a Communist movement? Spread the wealth! If they were smart enough to make it....and companies willing to pay them, what is wrong with that? Can someone enlighten me please.....?
Marc W. Kohler Tony, it's easy. The financial crisis was started years ago, when the Federal Reserve was created. In 1999, the repeal of Glass–Steagall Act - made the wall between investment and saving banks disappear... We forget the FDR, in order to get Glass-Stengall passed; the banking industry insisted that thousands of acres of urban real estate could NEVER have a homeowner mortgage. . The areas were created by drawing red lines around them with a red pen. This is now called "red-lining". This made EVERY house within red lined area could be sold for CASH only. The homes were depreciated in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, and a whole new class of absentee lord lords became one of the most import social forces in America’s fiscal policy. They could be sold for CASH ONLY. A whole new class of American absentee landlords was crated. The massive depreciation of these red-lined areas caused a second depression--one that was allowed to run until red-lining was outlawed in the 1970s, but by then, it was much too late. Every city in America had thousands of worthless acres that became slums due to the lack of even the possibility of personal ownership of the houses in those neighborhoods. When section 8 housing came along to "solve" the problem, did not. In fact, about then years ago Former Governor Philip Noel called Section 8 housing laws gave him the feeling of "laughing all the Way to the Bank". Section 8 gave the landlord 3 times what the poor could afford--mostly welfare--so deferral and state

money made millionaires out of many, many Rhode Islanders. They and their children now live in East Greenwich, Little Compton, Barrington, and other rich neighbors. Medicare, farm subsidies, welfare, the FDA, the Federal military, Oil Industry policies. Social Security has created millionaires every step along the way—that was a NECESSARY cost of created ANY social improvement in America. One of the most well known samples of this was the Presidential Candidate Ross Perot—a man who made million and millions of dollars automating and printing Social Security checks. I do say, thank God for him, for without him, the Republican juggernaut started with Eisenhower. Enhanced by Reagan, and culminating in the war deficit mad George Bush 43. See next post fro details as to home the current crisis was both the goal and the conclusion of this history—only now was have reached the point, that changing it is most likely pointless—that the Occupy movement, Tony, is too littler, and much to late. The trillionaires do not need people or citizens, and even the very concept of a nation state called the United Sates of America. The world will grow into consumers that will leave Americans insignificant to the creation of greater profits. If you invested in the original Greek Bonds a year ago, you were guaranteed an 18% return. The next round of bonds will pay more and guarantee the end of the nation of Greece as violence takes over social civility. I will post more next, but know that trillionaires can buy better armies and militias and than any nation can at this time. But, wait, more to come…
Joe DeLemos it seems to me they are "occupying" the wrong street. Government forces banks to lend to people who can’t pay back. They regulate and tax companies out of the country. Then blame everything on businesses. These people if they had half a brain should occupy Pennsylvania Ave not Wall St
Kenneth Watkinson Complicated problems will not be solved with simple solutions. End of cold war brought 2 billion people competing (Chinese) 2 tax cuts, 2 wars, equals deficits. Now greedy lobbyists drug companies. Look at your pay. Doesn’t it suck? I think its 4% of people own 60% wealth in this country. Some do it honestly. Not all. Do you think its fair for the elec company to own the Gas co? Is that fair?  If you cook the lobster slow after a while he doesn't know he's being cooked.
o                                                        Marc W. Kohler So, here is part two. First, to suggest that minimum wage laws sent jobs overseas is silly—no matter what has happened here, slaves will always be cheaper over seas. We don’t have too many slaves, but without regulation we have a lot fewer than we would have, and now that the economic basis for the world is trillionaires who owe no allegiance to any country. So, for Tony and the rest, I shall continue from my previous post. I have brought you through the consequences of the caste system started in the USA after the Depression. Yes, there was always rich and poor, but after the depression, FDR took the Progressive Platform of his cousins, Theodore Roosevelt. For that, you can go to call the Progressive Party, The Bull Moose Party. Theodore Roosevelt never really called the party that that. He was shot on October 13, 1912. Reports say that in the speech that night, people claim he said he survived because he must be “strong as bull moose.” That’s not true. Other people say he told a reporter that after he got out of the hospital, as an answer to a reporters question. That’s not true, either. The election was held 18 days after the shooting. So, the term Bull Moose came AFTER TR lost. TR NEVER dreamed that the name of the American Progressive Party would be the Bull Moose Party (which is what it did come to be known—lasting until about 1916. “Bull Moose” was really a term turned to destroy the Progressive movement and ridicule it. If you read their platform, you will find not only the seeds, but the roots and trunk of what America should be, could be, and would be if JFK, RFK and MLJ had not been murdered. Why do conservatives want Reagan on the dime instead of FDR is because they HATED him then. They HATE him now. And they will not be happy until everything TR, FDR, Truman, JFK tried to create are completely extinguished from the American horizon. We have stood by in silence while there campaign has. Think about how this hate war started. On the morning that Eisenhower was inaugurated, he and Mamie refused to get out of the limo to have tea with Bess and Harry. This had never happened in the history of the country. Harry could have just sat there waiting in Whitehouse…the insult (probably created by Allen Dulles or his brother John Foster Dulles). This will lead to Credit Default Swap Bonds in 1999, and that transferred trillions of dollars out of our economy. To understand the next post, it would be good for to you read the Credit 
Credit Default Swaps: The Next Crisis?
TIME MAGAZINE Monday, Mar. 17, 2008

Sixty Minutes did an article about the foreclosure crisis which did more to hide the truth than it told.  This article does not tell the whole truth. These foreclosures were part of a three part plan to shift the future of America.  I have coined the phrase THE NEW URBAN RENEWAL to name this Plan.

Plan Step #1:  To move about 50 to 75 trillion dollars from our economy to the hands of very few.  First, please read Time Magazine for March of 2008 article by Janet Morrissey about Credit Default Swap Bonds. It explains that millions of sub-prime mortgages were designed to go up to 13% after two years.  The stocks backed by these mortgages would lose ALL their investors their money.  The Credit Default Bonds, as Morrissey writes, were based on the possibility of the stocks backed by the mortgages would go bad.  They were modeled after municipal bonds which are guaranteed and insured.  So, if a city goes bankrupt the Bond holders would have to be paid and would have to be paid at thirty times what they invested.  This means that the trillions of dollars paid out by the Bond writers, which almost put AIG and all the other collaborators out of business.  The amount of money shifted out of our economy represents the largest theft in the history of the world.  That money will NEVER come back to America.  Hedge funds buying Bonds to save Greece in the first round last year were guaranteed an 18% return—what investment in ANY American business will ever be able to pay those returns?  Right now, hedge funds control every Cocoa crop in the work for the next ten years.

The impact over the world, all the bad mortgages backed stocks that the makers knew were going to go bad, cost stock holders all over the world billions. s failing. For every dollar invested in CDBS pays the holder 30-40 dollars. That means that a foreclosure of a $100,000 pays the CDNS holder $3,000,000. President Obama mentions this is his first Press Conference, but no one has reported on it except Morrissey. This process has not been stopped and its aims have been accomplished

Plan Step #2     To demolish and clear the thousands of acres of “Red-Lined” neighborhoods (Slums) to create, for banks, the largest land sell off in the history of the world.  Since American investors know that they make little or nothing investing in American real estate, most of these acres will be sold to cash rich world citizens who need a safe and secure country to live and prosper.  This will be their home while their own countries fall into chaos, oppression, and revolutions.  The failed Lee-Schumer bill is the best example of this plan.  The bill would have given almost unlimited visas to people from foreign countries who bought houses here for $500,000 or more with cash.  The bill failed, but be assured; there are twenty other bills that you will not hear about that will accomplish the same purpose.  This is at a time in our history when National Public Broadcasting’s show Need to Know reported last week that 33% of Americans are now living at or below the poverty level.  Will this plan change that?  No.  Is it too late to change it?  I think it is.

Plan Step #3    

The Third steps in this plan cover the obvious and less obvious.  In fact, we can really only speculate on what dimensions of our current reality were part of the initial plan.  I can only speculate on some of these last aspects of the Banking/Wall Street Financial Plan for America initiated as I described in 1998 to 1999. 

1)    The first result is that acres and acres of urban slums are now wastelands.  The CBS show discussed the demolition of homes, and the landscaping of the lots with grasslands.  These “open spaces” still have a tiny number of homes still standing, but the homeowners are not paying their mortgages, and expect to be evicted at some point in the future.   This land represents billions of dollars of potential income for the banks that have ended up owning them.  Here are the possibilities that I have read about:
a)    The Congress almost passed a Bill that would have given almost free visas to foreign buyers who bought homes in the United States for $ 500,000 or more, and that paid cash for the homes.  The bill did not pass, but the banks do have lines forming form wealthy foreigners to move here—especially from countries where the governments are drifting towards anarchy.
b)   Our inner cities are dying, these acres of land will provide excellent open space for commercial and industrial construction.
c)    Five years ago, NPR reported that 63% of Americans lived in gated or “sealed” communities with no access to public streets.  These acres of land will provide developers with “virgin” land to develop “closed cities” where the concept of open governance will not be tolerated, and corporations will provide all the structures that the citizens need—from schools to hospitals to police and lot more.

2)    The concentration of wealth gives hedge fund managers assets to control future commodity markets that shut out competition and normal market limitations on risk and control.   A year ago, it was reported in the news that hedge funds owned all the futures on cocoa beans for the next ten years.  This means that the funds will control the coat of chocolate for the next ten years, and most likely forever, because their funds continue to grow daily.  Payments to Credit Default Swap Bond holders have not stopped. and will not stop. They are not going to be stopped, and below is an article that describes the Department of Justice reluctance to do anything about correcting these derivatives or punish Wall Street for creating them.  My guess is that a massive amount of wealth in these funds “buys” anyone—Democrat, Republican. President or Senator. 

3)    The last possible area of the use of these massive assets has much more sinister goals.  Some writers think that the money will create “private” armies both in the United States and thereabout the world.  For instance, hedge funds have been involved in creating mercenaries groups used by the United States to protect American embassies.  MPR reported that the American Embassy in Iraq has 16,000 employees:  11, 000 with the Embassy, and 5,000 paid military personnel from a private contractors.  Within the United States, Chuck Norris (Not a politician, but an “entertainers’”) said that there were over 1,000 militias armed and ready to be mobilized in case a national “crisis”.  With what we have seen owned by individuals, we can speculate without a doubt that we are talking about thousands of weapons and millions of rounds of ammunition.  This is the one goal that I know the least about.

In conclusion, the plans laid by billionaires in America in 1998-19999 have succeeded.  83% of our wealth goes to the top 1%, and there is nothing we can do about it. (Onpoint Radio report). 

No one is talking about what "Make my day" means.  These are the three words that the character Dirty Harry would use to threaten a person that Eastwood's character "wanted to flinch", so he could shoot them with his "giant gun."  Using that for the President of the United States is treason.  Clint Eastwood threatened to shoot the President of the United States if the imaginary President Obama flinched or made a threatening move.  "Make my day" yelled by the delegates at the Convention was a massive threat to the life of the President.
Also, why isn't anyone talking about the control that the Mormon Church exercises over The Boy Scouts of America.  Mormon churches require all boys in their congregations become Scouts.  That makes the Church of Latter Day Saints the largest contributor to the budget of the Boy Scouts of America.  Therefore, they control the BSA.  They decide that the BSA will continue to refuse gay people from membership.  Mitt Romney has to be asked if he supports these actions on the part of the Church. He has to explain their actions, and either ask for a change, or admit that his church has brought an end to the BSA as it was once known, and would he support the creation of a new BSA, open to ALL AMERICANS!
If you need to know more, see my blog:

Saturday, April 14, 2012

A White Guy’s Primer



January 2002
By Marc W. Kohler
P.O.Box 16095
Rumford, Rhode Island 02916

This Pamphlet is Dedicated to my father,
          Who taught me about stubbornness
Character, and racism
To Randall Ashe.
          Who taught me more than I could learn
About Black, White, and all between,
          Brought me to where I am today.
And to all those who Have come before me
Who have guided me to where I am
With their actions, thoughts, speeches, poems,
Ideas, suffering, determination, and guts.

                             Thank You


Contents(Page numbers refer to pamphlet)

Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

What Does History Say?. . . . . . . . .6
What Does Science Say?. . . . . . . . .10
What Does God Say?. . . . . . . . . . . . 12
How Did We Become Such a Racist Nation? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
What can a White Guy Do?. . . . . . . .15
What can You  Do Today?. . . . . . . . .16
Footnotes and Other Books. . . . . . 20

Introduction  Over the past year, I have been fighting racism, incompetence, and fraud in the Providence School Department.  Up until now, I have not been active in this “social/political” world.  I was declared disabled in 2000 due to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Clinical Depression, and a history of being fired from seven jobs because I objected actively to their immoral and illegal practices.  Some would say that I am just a spoiled wealthy White Guy who has used the “system” to his advantage.  Others might suggest that my maladies are real, and that
they have helped me become the person that I am today.

A friend challenged me recently about this struggle saying that it was “arrogant” for a “White” person to speak for any minority population.  She said that it offended her if I said, “African-Americans will do X…”  So, in most cases in this essay, I am repeating what was said to me by
specific people in specific places at specific times.

If I overstep my bounds, then you will have to accept my flaws, but if I hit any bull’s-eyes, then the “misses” would have made it worth the effort.

NOTE: In this essay, I use “Black’, “Black Americans”, and “African-American” interchangeably, but these are odd words.  For instance, there is an established population of African-African Americans who were born and raised in Africa, and have dark skin.  So, if you bear with me, most of the words that we all use to deal with the problems of racism are, in fact, out-moded and in many ways corrupt.  The term “Caucasian” was invented when a sociologist stated that ALL the races of the world were contained in seven categories before 19001.  Science has since proved that his distinctions were completely inaccurate, unscientific, and racist.  Despite this, we continue to use the term “Caucasian” as if it meant something, when it expresses nothing.  For the purposes of this essay, I prefer to use the term, European-Americans to describe people with light skin.  Of course, this, too, is a limited term, since “light-skinned” people come from all over the world, too.  So, granted my own confusion, I hope this adds to yours.
My suspicion is that much of what I am writing here will offend many people.  For that I am sorry.  My intention is to plant the seeds to change our racism which has been with us forever, must to come to an end, has been supported by our selective history educations, a drag on our nation’s ability to move ahead, been debunked by science, and obliterated by my personal experience over these last 54 years.  You see, I am working for reconciliation, harmony, and the end to Racism in America.  Still, you will probably see me attacked and criticized.

The point is that what or who I am  is of little importance.  The only thing important is my message which is that prejudice, racism, and active racism is over.
As a puppeteer, I have worked in every imaginable environment—Catholic Schools and Churches, Temples, Synagogues, Jewish Community Centers, Hispanic Centers, Inner City Recreation Centers, suburban and inner city schools, and the homes of the rich, not so rich and the poor.  What struck me was that I met no one who did not have problems with their parents, or their lovers or spouses, their neighbors, their pasts or their futures.  In fact, everywhere I went people worried about the same things with sometimes different names (For example: The Rabbi, Priest, Minister who is “right”, “wrong”, “lazy”, “careless” or “wonderful”) We are all much more alike than different, more similar than dissimilar, and more the same then you know.  It is our very similarities which make racism pointless and counterproductive for us as individuals and as a nation.  Marc Kohler, January 2002.

 What Does History Say?
If I told you that you know nothing about the history of the world for the past two hundred years, you would most likely be insulted, but let me ask you some questions in order to discover the areas that your education has failed you:

1. How many people did Hitler kill in concentration camps?
a)     Six million
b)     Six million Jews and one million others
c)     Six million Jews and three million others
d)     Six million Jews and four million others
The answer is D)2.  Yes, four million “others” were murdered as well.  Why do we not know this?  I do not know.  My guess is that there was not one racial, national, or ethnic category that represents these four million people.  That is, they were Christians, blacks, socialists, democrats, republicans, nationalists, pacifists, Greeks, Slavs, Italians, French, Spanish, Germans, Russians, women, men, children, homosexuals, heterosexuals, educated, uneducated, and…and…and, well you get my point—four million people.  In fact, all of these distinctions also apply to those six million who were called “Jews” since this term was often applied to people whom the Gestapo just did not like.  So, if anyone asks, Hitler exterminated ten million human beings.

2.     How many people did the Japanese kill during their invasion and occupation of Korea, Manchuria, and China from 1930-1945?
a)     500,000
b)        One Million
c)         Ten Million
d)     Thirty Million

The answer is D)3 again.  “Thirty Million”—no, you did not know that.  Why, most likely because to this day historians have hid this fact, Japanese educators drop it out of history books, and because there has been lots of reasons why we “good old Americans” have not wanted to bring up this “problem”.

So, get the picture, millions of people died under Stalin, Moa Tse Tung, in Cambodia, and many other countries.  Mass Murder based on race, creed, or any other excuse has been part and parcel of world history.

Was mass murder a new idea in 1930?

Hitler has been quoted as saying that the mass murder of Armenians gave him his excuse for thinking he could “get away” with it, too.  This is not true.  Yes, Hitler may have mentioned the Armenians, but mass murder was intrinsic to the colonial empires of the late Nineteenth Century on a scale that you simply will not comprehend.

2.How many people in the world died from 1860 to 1920 as a result of colonialism, the El Nino droughts, and Europeans hatred of other men, women, and children who were “different”, “in the way”, or “nor working fast enough”?
a)     30 million
b)     50 million
c)     75 million
d)     65-120 million
It’s D)4 again!  Now, when were Hitler and Allen Dulles born?  1889 and 1893, respectively.  Therefore, as teenagers, they were aware of these massacres, genocides, and horrific crimes because the atrocities were reported in the press throughout the world.  It was not only general knowledge; it was considered  “no big deal”.  Why did Theodore Roosevelt ask what we should do about the “White Man’s Burden”?  5 First and foremost, he knew that suffering was occurring on a scale never before seen in the world, and he thought mistakenly that his skin color actually made the difference. The only difference was that European and American colonial powers had the technology for lethal force, and used it with abandon, entertainment, and genocidal success throughout Asia, South America, Africa, North America, and any where else in the world where they wanted to—ultimately against their own people!

For every dollar that King Leopold spent in the Congo, he (not his nation or national treasury since he “owned” the Congo in the same way that you own your clothes) received back five dollars—a 500% return on investment.  Oh, there were costs.  The population of the Congo dropped from twenty million people in 1880 to ten million in 19206.  Civilizations that had existed for thousands of years were literally wiped off of the map in a mere forty years.  Have amends been made for this?  No.  Will they ever be made?  No, but this pamphlet’s purpose is start a discussion of making amends.  This pamphlet is about describing what is real, how we got here, and what the heck we are going to do about it.

What if Hitler had only paid “lip service” to his “Final Solution”, and kept the people he wanted dead alive and well enough to contribute to the economic and intellectual life of GermanyGermany would have won the war, and we would be speaking German.  You see, his destruction of such a large amount of human capital destroyed his very chance to succeed.  So, if you want and need to oppress a people for economic success and security, here is we can learn from Uncle Adolph:

1.     Keep them alive (barely), keep them housed (minimally), and create the illusion that they are participants in your society even though they are prevented from owning property.
2.     Stigmatize them with images, which you know a false and misleading, that you "feed" to the public with every form of communication possible.
3.     As the sufferings of this oppressed group continues, make drugs and alcohol readily available to alleviate the stress and secure their image as “ne’er-do-wells”.  Let prostitution flourish.
4.  Figure out a way to contain the oppressed people in limited geographic areas in order to provide you with the maximum of control with the least investment of resources.
5. Like Hitler, you will have to use “Lethal Force”, “Extreme Prejudice”, “Executive Action”, or whatever term you want to use for officially condoned murder. Mix in riots, lynchings, maiming, starving, and other physical distress just to keep the pot brewing in your favor.  Kill not only their leaders, but the man on the street as well.  Use the young oppressed against the old.  Pit workers against students—make sure, no one finds out what you are doing---then, you will out-do Hitler---no, you won’t need gas chambers when you have thousands of acres of red-lined neighborhoods are available to you.
6.  Pit Blacks (Who you hate) against Jews (Who you hate) against homosexuals (Who you hate) against workers (Who you hate) against Teachers (Who you hate), and then you can change your name from Adolph Hitler to Allen Dulles.7
What Does Science Say?
Science?  Yes, how does science describe, explain, and define human existence and race?
Again, since this is a pamphlet, so this is going to go by real fast.  How are human beings made?  Well, the sperm from a male human fertilizes an egg of a woman human.  In fact, we have become adept at not even requiring bodies for this process.  Still, what is the "it" that happens in this union—well, the DNA from the woman merges with the DNA from the man to create a “new” independent creature—a fetus.  This “fetus”, if circumstances allow, will “grow” into a human being.  Again, what determines what this fetus will become?  First and primarily, DNA.  Alter the DNA, and you alter the future person.  Remove the DNA, and you have no person.  Certainly pre-natal care, nutrition, and health of the mother will impact on the health of the child. 
Now, please sit down, ‘cause this is the thing science has proven—all humans are 99.999% exactly the same8.  Only one one hundred thousandth of our DNA determines our sex, skin color, facial structure, hair color, skeletal size, foot size, etc.etc.etc.  I am suggesting that declaring that humans are "different" would be like claiming differences in two houses built exactly the same way from 100,000 bricks each, and making the observation that one of the bricks (one and only one) was different from one other brick in the other house.  Even an unreasonable person could see that what we are as human beings has nothing to do with what we see, but has everything to do with how we are built..
Let’s look at “seeing” itself for a second.  Hinduism teaches that the world is all “Maya”, not real and only an illusion of God’s expression into our world of the senses.  These Hindus might be right.  Rub your thumb and finger together; you think that the thumb touches the finger.  Such is not the case, though.  According to science, what is happening is that the atoms in the thumb have the same electrical charge as those in your finger.  Therefore, they push away at each other.  You “feel” it only because the electrical/nerve path from your hand to you brain “tells” you that touch is occurring.  Therefore, when you see an object, you can see only within the limits of the light being reflected from the object that you are looking at.  So, what is real is not, it is just an incredible arrangement of atoms and molecules. 
It sounds absurd, but we are nothing more and nothing less than beings that convert heat and fuel into energy and electrical impulses.  All of this occurs at a level that you and I cannot see, cannot touch, and least of all, cannot judge.  Who is to say that the electrical/biological activity in one human body is better or superior to another human being?  The fact is that “better”, “superior”, and such refers to only what we can see and touch, not anywhere near what we really, actually, and scientifically are.  Our actual selves are nothing, and they are everything.  Anything else is window dressing.  Skin, material goods, housing, clothes, restaurants, sports events, grades, schools, offices, hair fashions, deodorant are all irrelevant to who and what we are.  Why?  Because if we accepted the truth about ourselves, we would give up this insane civilization, make apologies to millions of “primitive” people that our ancestors and we (3 million people have been murdered in the Congo over the past five years, and you and I have heard NOTHING about it) murdered and start everything all over.
Science is unforgiving on this point: We are not our brothers’ keepers we ARE our brothers and sisters except for 001 %!
What does God Say?
This one is easy.  All religions that I have studied teach that hatred and rage, if tolerated at all, are worthy of God, but not of man.  Judaism, Christianity, Islam, BaHai, Mormonism, Catholicism, Zen, Hinduism, Wicca, and many that I cannot think of teach that peace and harmony are the goals of human life.  Jesus, who was a Gnostic Jew9, said, “You should love your neighbor”, the exact words from Leviticus (19:18).  He said “Love”—not “like”, not “tolerate”, not “understand”.  The commandment is uncompromising.  I would add, “Love first, and ask questions later”.
The White Aryan “Christian” Identity Movement represents the antithesis of everything that is holy, and if you sit and do nothing about it, then you are their ally, and that is why racism grows every day in America—not because of those idiots, but because of our silence.
How Did we Become Such a Racist Nation?
Here, the answer is easy—people of color stand out.  The darker your skin color, the more you stand out in America.  William Glasser10 suggested that to be mentally healthy, a human must be able to love, have the ability to be loved, and must live by a code.  Sounds simple, but men like Abraham Maslow suggested that we need more—we need to “self-actualize”11, one of the stupidest terms ever invented.  No human has ever self-actualized or actualized alone ever in the history of the world.  First, we need air pressure, balanced molecules, gravity, oxygen, friction (Where WOULD we be without friction?), and a billion other particles, molecules, and fellow humans and animals and trees just to stay alive.  Does Nietzsche's Superman where pants?  If he does, then in what style are they cut?  The clothed person is immediately the acculturated person—they have a past, they have language (which limits their ability to express those things for which their language has no words) they have parents, a history, their forbearers and their forbearers' choices, and…and...NO PERSON IS AN ISLAND, WE ARE ALL HERE NOW TOGETHER, AND WE WERE BROUGHT HERE BY OUR MUTUAL PAST.
So, let’s learn some more history.  After the Civil War, the lives of freed slaves were extremely difficult.  Sharecropping was less reliable than plantation life.  If former slaves moved, they encountered racism everywhere they went.  Violence against Blacks continued just as it had BEFORE the Civil War, or as Southerners insist, “The War Between the States”.
Riots, lynchings, burnings, maimings, and torture, started long before the War and have stayed with us ever since.  Just look it up.  Our amnesia is no excuse for stupidity.  “These (riots) were also acts of outright repression, usually surrounding slavery and abolition...During this time, 70% of America’s cities holding 20,000 or more people experienced major civil disorder.  There were 147 riots in 1835 alone...they covered the gamut of mob activity.  35 were against abolitionists, 11 in response to imagined slave insurrections, 15 of them were race riots:  11 against blacks, 3 to help fugitive slaves, and one by blacks…”12
From 1870-1920, though, many Black communities rose up all across our country.  The middle class black professional was not an exception.  A parallel universe existed.  In Wilmington, North Carolina, by 1898, the Blacks outnumbered Whites 14,000 to 10,000, and the city offices were being integrated led by Fusionists, Republicans, and Progressives.  On November 10, 1898, a planned “riot” by the Democrats brought flames to the Black community, death to Blacks and Whites, and the Black population dropped to below 9,000.  The newly elected Mayor and City Counsel were thrown out of office—no, this was not a riot—it was a coup.14  You probably do not know it, but the depression t from 1895-1905 was, in many ways, worse than the Crash of 1929.  Whites suffered tremendously from economic forces over which they had no control.  These established Black hamlets became the targets of their frustrations.  A whole viable way of life, an American Way of Life, was destroyed and murdered intentionally.11 
Then, after the Depression, the banking system was in shambles.  One way to rebuild was to prevent individuals from having too much control of any single banking enterprise.  This would mean new banking laws, new banking corporations, and a new “thriftiness” The core of this “new thriftiness” was Redlining.  Lending institutions all over the country drew red lines around poor and/or marginal neighborhoods.  At the time, these neighborhoods were poor Irish Americans, poor Italian Americans, poor French Americans, poor Polish Americans, poor African Americans, poor German Americans, and any other immigrant populations.  Red lining meant that no private mortgages could be written to ANYONE on properties within these lines.  With the deft
flip of a pen, American banks commercialized thousands and thousands of acres of land without one zoning board meeting, without one legislative act, and without the consent or approval of the governed.13
If a private mortgage cannot be written for a property, then it can either not be sold (vacant properties) or sold for cash (Absentee landlords).  Drive around any urban community, and you can tell exactly where these “RED LINES” were drawn.  This system of the direct destruction of our neighborhoods lasted well in to the 1970s, over forty years.  Today, it still occurs, and even though it has been outlawed, it remains the number one reason why we have segregated poor ghettoes filled with minority and poor Americans.
What can a White Guy like me do?
To me, this is a funny question.  If the Genome Project is right, then I am 99.999% human and only .001% “white”.  So, we need to truly identify the problem.  You see, minority individuals have no real or intrinsic problems.  We, the bums on top, create the problems for them.  It is sad, but the darker your skin color, the odds of you being in the bottom echelon of your society anywhere in the world is high.  No, people should not have to fight for their rights.  Rights are rights, and nothing, not skin color, cranium shape, hair color, or any other irrelevant aspect of a persons physiology should deprive a person of their rights.  Yes, through the legal process, individuals can “lose” certain rights.  Yes, they can be imprisoned.  Still, seriously, I have yet to attend the court sessions where it was declared that if you were not a “White American”, you had lost you rights.
Therefore, if I see a person practicing racism, why can’t I stand up and say, “HEY!  THAT’S WRONG.”  You see, if the person being victimized is a person of color, a disabled American, or a person who stutters, it does not matter.  What is wrong is wrong is wrong is wrong.  That’s all there is.  Prejudice and racism make our resources as a nation less than what they would be without them.  We are a “smaller” society if we stand by and do nothing about the wrongs right in front of our eyes.  So, yes, we White Guys and Gals can work seriously for equal rights for all Americans.  In fact, if you become aware of child abuse, you are breaking the law if you do not do something about it.
When you and I look at an person who is “not-white”, we cannot help but fall back on all of our trained, conditioned, compulsive, knee-JERK, foolish, short-sighted, absurd, and unscientific ways.  No matter what the courts decide, or what the police can do, or any other law enforcement agency can do, it is up to us to change—we are wrong.  We are wrong.  We have been wrong for centuries and centuries.  We are wrong when we get up in the morning, and when we go to bed at night.  We sit back and make all-white television shows the highpoint of our week.

 What CAN You Do Right Now?
1.  Stop hating. No, I mean it.  Stop hating anyone that you hate.  Hate is, in fact, nothing more than the inability to gain perspective and potency in your relationship with your world and the people in it.  You hate your sister because she brought dandelions to your wedding twenty-five years ago, but the real reason has do with your mutual and somewhat confused relationship with your drunkard mother-beating father.  All hatred is corrupt at the root.  Problems are solved, even on the battlefield, without hatred.  The best fighters and doers fight and do FOR things, not against others.
2.  Realize that if you have prejudice or racist feelings, realize that you are being used.  By whom?  First, by the forces and people who are in control.  Reactionary corporate forces to divert attention from what they were doing on a national and international level created both the violent racist movement and the violent anti-abortion.  You are being used the same way that Romanian Dictator used the “farmers” when he brought them in to club protestors.  The Klan kept the Democrats and plantation owners in power in the South.  Remember the mob (disgruntled White Democrats) burned out, and murdered the black citizens of Wilmington, North Carolina because the majority of the city was Black, Republican, or Progressive.
3.  Make a friend who is of a different color than you.  That is “friend”, not “acquaintance”, not “neighbor”, and definitely not the “I have a Black friend” friend.  Why not adopt people who are different than you. 
4. Acknowledge the theft and destruction of resources, ideas, creations, lives, hopes, dreams, religions, values, social structures, and ways of life of millions and millions of indigenous peoples throughout the world over the past five hundred years.  Support the idea of turning Columbus Day into Columbus-Taino Day to honor the Taino tribe that disappeared from the face of the earth after the arrival of the three little ships.  Support reparations and engage those who don’t with the question: How many more millions must die before we make things right?  Look, Elvis Presley became what he became because the record companies wanted a “back voice” without the “black skin".  The Charleston started at the Savoy Ballroom in Harlem.
5.  Patronize local stores.  Stop supporting large chains.  Realize that small business, locally owned and operated, has been and will always be the rock bed of prosperity for our country.  This way, people of every color can pursue their dreams by owning their own businesses.  Put McDonalds, Wal-Mart, and all the rest out of business.  Pay a bit more to save more over the long term. 
6.  Go live or spend a lot of time in the local “ghetto”.  No, it is not so far away either in distance or in style.  Find out first hand what it is like to live in a world complete and totally structured against you.  Realize that the “ghetto” is not really a ghetto for one color—realize that ALL colored people live in our poor neighborhoods, and they ALL need your help, power, potency, and wealth.  They cannot do it on their own.  Too much of the deck has been stacked against them.  This is NOT their fault.  It is our forbearers fault, and here and now, we can start to reverse and make amends for what they have done not to the ethnic populations but to us, and our world—think of the thousands upon thousands of people who could have or would have contributed directly to your life, and your happiness, and your dreams if, if ,if they had been given one chance to do so!
7. Take a local person of color to the bank and see if you can help them get a business loan.  You will be shocked at what you hear and see.  You will simply not believe it.
8. Give up your political views, and commit todiscovering
the truth about the history of the United States.  Find out that every time Lincoln ordered a Draft, hundreds of Blacks died in riots in major cities in the north—Yes, the Civil War was about and only about about slavery—nothing else is accurate.
9.  Start acting color-blind.  When you meet a new person look them in the eye.  Shake their hand.  Listen intently to what they have to say.  Think more about them than yourself.  Consider immediately not “What can this person do for me”, but rather think: “What can I do for this person.”  Soon, faces will look differently to you. Even your friends will look different.  You will see pain and joy that you have never seen before.  You will, in fact, become responsible (The ability to respond authentically to the people and the world around you.)  In this way, you will discover the wealth that you possess in your soul, and the wealth you have in your family and loved ones, the wealth, and potency you can bring to you friends and community.  Without adding one penny to your bank account, you will become one of the richest people in the world.  Here is a real stretch: If your children are grown, adopt a bright high school student who has no support, and provide for him or her as if they were your own child. (Ghandho sggested this to a Hindu family adopting an Islamic orphan, that they bring hp, up in a Islamic way)
 Well, I have more ideas, but I am running out of space.  I guess the idea I want to impress upon you is that all the people who you think are different are not different.  Know that volunteerism and your personal choices will make more of a difference than any government program.  Volunteerism is, and has always been the source of real change for centuries—the first doctors and nurses were volunteers!  Racism is just an uninformed, lazy way of looking at the world.  Stop racism, and you move towards spiritual wealth beyond your wildest dreams.  There are millions of people who have been shut out of America—welcome them in, do it every day, and your children and their children and their children will thank you!
Footnotes and Other Books:
1.R.I. College/RI Committee on the Humanities Project, The Black Experience publishing details not available, approx. 1985.
2.Grun, Bernard The Timetables of History, A Horizontal Linkage of People and Events, p. 524, Touchstone, Simon and Schuster: 1982.
Chang, Iris, The Rape of Nanking, The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II, Basic Books, 1997
4. Davis, Mike, The Late Victorian Holocausts; El Nino Famines, and the Making of the Third World, Verso Books: 2001.(Must read)
5. Roosevelt, Theodore, “Burden of the White Man” reprinted in The Life Story of Theodore Roosevelt, His Principles and Policies by Charles Morris, The John C. Winton Co.: 1909.
6. Hochschild, Adam, King Leopold’s Ghost, Houghton Mifflin 1999
7. Prescott Bush was convicted of acting as a Nazi Collaborator in the 40s, and Allen Dulles recovered all of his money in 1951.  John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles were the two most powerful men in America in the 50s, and Allen most likely ordered the killing of John Kennedy.  There is much for you to read in this area, but if I were you, I would start with The Secret War Against the Jews, How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People by John Loftus and Mark Aarons, St, Martins Press: 1997.
8. See:, Genome Project and Its impact on Medicine and Society: 2001 Primer.
9. The Five Gospels, The Search for the Authentic Words of Jesus, by Hover Funk and the Jesus Seminar, Maxwell McMillan International: 1993 10. Glasser, William, Reality Therapy, Harper & Row, New York, 1965
11. Maslow,  Abraham h., Towards a Psychology of Being,V. Nostrand
12.Smead, Howard, CIVIL DISORDER,
provost/womenctr/civil.htmlRun “race riots” or “Wilmington Riot” on the net. Best:
13. Articles and books about “Red Lining” are plentiful.
14. Smead, Ibid.
Other Books of Interest:
Hitler’s Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust, by Daniel Joseph Goldhagen, Vintage Books, 1997.(must read #2)
The Simple Stories in various volumes by Langston Hughes-and any other works by Mr. Hughes.
The Denial of Death and Birth and Death of Meaning, Ernest Becker
Love is To be Happy With by Barry N. Kaufman.
The First and Last Freedom, J. Krishnamurti
I Have a Dream, Writings and Speeches by Martin Luther King, Jr.
Clarence Darrow for the Defense by Irving Stone
Writings and Speeches of Eugene V. Debs, by E.V.Debs
The Speeches and Writings of Harry S. Truman, various editions
Copyright 2002   Marc W. Kohler

Saturday, February 25, 2012

This is the long answer as to why we are where we are--trillions of dollars have left our economy and while probably never come back.

Sixty Minutes did an article about the foreclosure crisis which did more to hide the truth than it told.... This article does not tell the whole truth. These foreclosures were part of a three part plan to shift the future of America. I have coined the phrase THE NEW URBAN RENEWAL to name this Plan.

Plan Step #1: To move about 50 to 75 trillion dollars from our economy to the hands of very few. First, please read Time Magazine for March of 2008 article by Janet Morrissey about Credit Default Swap Bonds. It explains that millions of sub-prime mortgages were designed to go up to 13% after two years. The stocks backed by these mortgages would lose ALL their investors their money. The Credit Default Bonds, as Morrissey writes, were based on the possibility of the stocks backed by the mortgages would go bad. They were modeled after municipal bonds which are guaranteed and insured. So, if a city goes bankrupt the Bond holders would have to be paid and would have to be paid at thirty times what they invested. This means that the trillions of dollars paid out by the Bond writers, which almost put AIG and all the other collaborators out of business. The amount of money shifted out of our economy represents the largest theft in the history of the world. That money will NEVER come back to America. Hedge funds buying Bonds to save Greece in the first round last year were guaranteed an 18% return—what investment in ANY American business will ever be able to pay those returns? Right now, hedge funds control every Cocoa crop in the work for the next ten years.

The impact over the world, all the bad mortgages backed stocks that the makers knew were going to go bad, cost stock holders all over the world billions. s failing. For every dollar invested in CDBS pays the holder 30-40 dollars. That means that a foreclosure of a $100,000 pays the CDNS holder $3,000,000. President Obama mentions this is his first Press Conference, but no one has reported on it except Morrissey. This process has not been stopped and its aims have been accomplished

Plans Step #2 To demolish and clear the thousands of acres of “Red-Lined” neighborhoods (Slums) to create, for banks, the largest land sell off in the history of the world. Since American investors know that they make little or nothing investing in American real estate, most of these acres will be sold to cash rich world citizens who need a safe and secure country to live and prosper. This will be their home while their own countries fall into chaos, oppression, and revolutions. The failed Lee-Schumer bill is the best example of this plan. The bill would have given almost unlimited visas to people from foreign countries who bought houses here for $500,000 or more with cash. The bill failed, but be assured; there are twenty other bills that you will not hear about that will accomplish the same purpose. This is at a time in our history when National Public Broadcasting’s show Need to Know reported last week that 33% of Americans are now living at or below the poverty level. Will this plan change that? No. Is it too late to change it? I think it is.

In conclusion, the plans laid by billionaires in America have succeeded. I am not the only writer who sees this. You should just read what Dylan Ratigan has said on deletion for the past month. He states that the plan actually took out “hundreds of trillions” of dollars out of our economy. The 75 trillion coming out of the fraud sub-prime mortgage plan was just part of a much larger and extremely successful plan that will change our future for decades to come. It will be up to you, now, to see if it can be reversed.
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Here's a chart to keep handy for the next time some lunkhead Teanderthal friend or relative starts yapping about Obama and the economy, and how Bush was better.

This is month-to-month job loss/growth, with the red lines during the Bush adm...inistration, and the blue ones under Obama. Clearly, there's a long way to go, but... could the change in trends be any more obvious?

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