Saturday, August 11, 2018

What does "Race" mean?

The Warwick Beacon
Definition of the term race
Posted Tuesday, August 7, 2018 2:12 pm
To the Editor:
America seems to be at some kind of crossroad. Rresearchers have found that the one unifying Trump voters was racial animous. This was even more important than the abortion issues. The trouble is that the word “race” means nothing. It was invented in the 18th century to create a fantasy structure where Europeans would be called “Caucasian.” This word, which normally referred to people living in the Caucasus that is today by Russia, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia. Johann Blumenbach picked the word, and he claimed that the people of the Caucasus were the most beautiful of the world, even angelic. He believed that the Caucasian “race” was the first and prime race, and that all others were degenerations of the beauty of Caucasians. In fact, he claimed that Adam and Eve were Caucasian.
Blumenbach’s terms were used for one purpose: to establish the superiority of his “angels”, the Caucasians, and to defame and slander all other humans on earth. It was and remains a key part of the insanity of a Black Race, a White Race, a Yellow, Red, or Brown Race. The only way to identify human beings is by our ethnicity, captured in our DNA. 
Any use of “Caucasian” for any purpose is outright “Hatism.” You see, these haters are hating, and if we call it “Racism,” then we are accepting their premise that while we may not approve it, “Racism” or “Race Hatred” means something. They don’t. The use of the term “Hatism” and “Hater” describes the actor in this process; “Racism” doesn’t. Since Race does not exist, Racism cannot exist. The use of “race” in any situation is the tensions of calling black, red, brown or red is exactly the same as using the N-word.
Marc W. Kohler

Friday, July 27, 2018

Column #2 Sub-Prime Mortgage Scam

I received an email about my last column, asking me to explain why the 2008 financial crisis was based on a scam.  What was the scam?  One hundred million sub-prime mortgages were written after the repeal of the Glass Steagall Act, were all ajustable mortgages.  The home buyers needed no down payment, the rate of the mortgage would be 2%, and there were no income requirments.  What these buyers were not told was that after two years, the interest rate for the mortgage woul dgo up to 13% or more.  This change would triple the monthly payments, and cause 95 home owners into foreclosure.  The “scam” was selling buyers mortages that they would never be able to pay.
This was key mechanism to accomplish the goals of the Scam.  The goals of the scam were many, and all of them were accomplished.  
 Repeal Glass-Steagall, so that the trillions of dollars in savings deposits could be used for investments which would ultimately become worthless.  
Use those trillions of dollars to create 100 million mortgages.  These sub-prime mortgages require no down payment, have a 2% interest, and are hated by main stream Americas as a hand out to the poor.   After two years, the mortgage rate on these mortgages will rise fo 13% or more, and 95% of them will go into forecloseure.
Gather together those mortgages into large “packages” which are used to back stocks, and make sure that these stocks are sold to people an institutions all over the world.  Everyone is told that “mortagages” are the safest long-term investment that money can buy.  The insiders know that the stock ail be worthless in two years, for. as adjustable mortgages, the interest rates rise to over 13% after two years.  
Create an un-regulated financial vehicle called “Credit Default Swaps”, so that very wealthy people can “insure” any losses from stock purchases which lose the assets backing them.  For a 1% fee, a Credit Default Swaps holder will received a $30 payment for every dollar in the foreclosed home.   
As the neighborhoods become depopulated, have hedge funds, which made fortunes with CDS, buy up and demolish all these homes.  During 2015. hedge funds were buying a thousand houses a week for cash. 

The red-lined neighborhoods will now be used to create new neighborhoods with spacious streets, the finest schools, and the best property bases in the history of the United States.  Mansions will be built n these neighborhoods, so that foreigners can use EB-5 Visas
to provide their whole families full freedom to enter and leave the US.

I hope this explains the Sub-Prime Mortgage scam.  If you do not know what “red-lined neoghborhoods” are, I will be covering that in my next column.

Column #1 for new political column

Here is my fist Column for a new summer series.  If you know of a newspaper that needs this kind of liberal work, please have them contact me.

Over the years, I have written quite a few Letters and columns about the real cause of our fianacial crisis of ten years ago, but the editor with whom I was working insisted that his readers would not understand my points.  I think he underestimated his readers, and I think it is information that should be known by all Americans.  The polirtical leaders of America created a fiscal siuation which was doomed to gigantic failure, could be blamed on poor people, and would reap trilions of dollars for about 2,500 investors and money managrs. 
There is certainly a real problem with the fact that this information has been withheld from us, but we should not be surprised.  How was this scheme created?  It started with Alan Greenspan, and attachemtn to Ayn Rand.  Here is what Greensan wrote about her“…Ayn Rand became a stabilizing force in my life. It hadn't taken long for us to have a meeting of the minds -- mostly my mind meeting hers -- and in the fifties and early sixties I became a regular at the weekly gatherings at her apartment. She was a wholly original thinker, sharply analytical, strong-willed, highly principled, and very insistent on rationality as the highest value…”  Greenspan would beomce the advocate for lives based of greed and selfishness, an dhis only caveat was that rational humans would not hurt themselves or their societies.  To a large degree, this is the point upon which Greespan’s name as the founder of the 2008 Financial meltdown.
Greenspan did everything he could to advocate and create a “regulation free” world for America financial corporations.
The climax came in 1998-1999, when the Glass Steagal Act was repealed.  Savings funds could now be combined with investment funds, and used for whatever the financiers wanted.  The major vehicle in these plans was the creation of Credit Default Swaps or Swap Bonds.  They were insurance but no really, so they had no regulation and have none today.  The CDS were designed to reward Swap buyers a prize if the assets backing their “swaps” lost value.  Does this sound difficult.  It is, and I might be explaining it badly.
The bottom line is that CDS holders would and still are being paid $30 for every dollar in a sub-prime mortage that go into foreclosure.  At the height of this scheme, 62 trillion dollars was invested in these Swaps.   When a $200,000 sub-primed mortage home gos into foreclosure. the CDS inversters receive six million dollars.  This is why there were offices thoroughout America who were creatuing fraudulant mortgages.  This is why one hundred mortages were written, and the hedge funds knew that most would go into foreclosure—amd 95 million of then did.  It is difficjult to get a real eastimate of the triallions of dollars that AIG paid out on these “Swaps”, and i veleive that the amount was 35-55 Trillion dollars. 

Further, eveyone who had bought the stocks backed by these mortgages lost every dollar that they invested.  I have read that the Hewlit Packard Foundation dropped from 12 billion dollars to 8 billion dollars.  Universities, colleges, pension funds, and all the other instituions that were not told that the whole scheme was the largest theft in the history of the world.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Anthony Bourdain's Suicide

Letter to the Editor
The Providence Journal

DATE: June 12, 2018

SUBJECT:  Anthony Bourdain's Suicide

Dear Editor:

            Anthony Bourdain has died.   I watched two of his shows last night, and heard Anthony say things that were depressive---like he was at the end of his rope. His future suicide was right there.  You see, he was a heroin addict when he was young, and he said, in an episode about opioids, that there was "something inside" of him which he needed to fight to quit. That "thing" never went away. 
I suffer from depression, and I have learned we do not “commit” suicide, we “complete” our suicides.   They say that Anthony had everything, for he was very rich. What we know now is the pain that drove him to use heroin never went away.  He loved his work when it started, but it was just replaced the heroin. Every year Anthony spent 250 days a year touring. His second wife traveled with him when they were first married, and stopped that after they had their child. Celebrities do not tour 250 days a year. Yes, some tour a great deal, but never 250 days a year.   
        So, the show became his new heroin---his new addiction with no relief in sight.   Anthony is quoted as saying that his production crew had become as dysfunctional as his family of origin. His heroin was replaced by an insane production schedule, and if you watch the shows in the last year, you will will hear him say how trapped he was, and how he was considering "end of life" questions. In an episode set in Marseilles, he suggests that the end means "turning into worm meat." He asked his friend if “this” is all that life meant, and if so, he came up deciding that it was a trap—ending in our becoming “worm meat”. 
          He had nowhere to turn.  His addiction, the show, was never going to stop, and he would never ever be a real person—only the puppet of the addiction from which he could not escape. His act was merely, in his mind, the most needed response to the reality that he could see---the only one. So, people who think Anthony had "everything", he had concluded that he had nothing—that there was one and only one way to escape the pain.  It is a place depressed people reach and have to move back from often.  In my life, I have been helped by partner Fran Slade and her family, my son Joshua. and work that I love.

Marc Kohler
Youtube Channel: Marc Kohler

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

White Guy's Primer on Hatism in America (PT2/Draft)

A White Guy’s Primer on 
Racism (Hateism) in America
Part 2
January 2018
Marc W. Kohler
P.O.Box 16095
Rumford, Rhode Island 02916
Blog: Liberal Truths
This Pamphlet is Dedicated to all those who Have 
come before me
Who have guided me to where I am
With their actions, thoughts, speeches, poems,
Ideas, suffering, determination, and guts.
Thank You
This is my second essay in a series titled A White Guy’s Primer on Racism in America. This is not an essay though, for it does not follow any essay form. Each section is separate, and they are placed in no particular order. 
race” and “racism” mean nothing
This started off as the second part of a series of essays on racism in America, but the fact of the matter is that the word “race” is not real. It has no significant meaning. It was created in the 18th Century as a way of separating the people of Europe from the people of the world. In many ways, it is not a viable concept. If we consider that these distinctions of race are based on skin color, then they have no basis in reality, for the are hundeeds—-mabe hand oups in t We know today that there are many ethnic groups in the world and we know this because we can see it in our DNA. The DNA shows that people from Northern Africa have different DNA from people from southern Africa. Therefore there is no such thing as Africans. The only thing we can say with surety is that all of our skin is colored. That is all. Here is an explanation of how the term “race” came into use from Wikipedia :
“…..While some researchers use the concept of race to make distinctions among fuzzy sets of traits or observable differences in behaviour, others in the scientific community suggest that the idea of race often is used in a naive[12] or simplistic way,[18] and argue that, among humans, race has no taxonomic significance by pointing out that all living humans belong to the same species, Homo sapiens, and (as far as applicable) subspecies, Homo sapiens sapiens.[19][20].
So what we have instead of the meaningless terms Caucasian, Negro, Asian, etc, is a large multiplicity of ethnic lineages, all of whom descended from a only a single black race.,,,” © Linda Beckerman, Ph.D. 
“…The 1775 treatise “The Natural Varieties of Mankind”, by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach proposed five major divisions: the Caucasoid race, the Mongoloid race, the Ethiopian race (later termed Negroid), the American Indian race, and the Malayan race, 
So what we have instead of the meaningless terms Caucasian, Negro, Asian, etc, is a large multiplicity of ethnic lineages, all of whom descended from a only a single black race.,,,” © Linda Beckerman, Ph.D. 
So, we can talk about different skin colors, and we can talk about different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. What we cannot do is claim that there is a white race or a black race or a yellow race. “race” does not exist.
This means that racism doesn’t exist. It is a selective form of misanthropy. The only limitation is that the misanthropic hate is directed towards individuals who have similar skin color ethnic background, or culture. It is still rooted in hatred, and hatred is all that is made out. Race does not exist. Race hatred is the hatred of humans, and no matter in what way you define your hatred, the hatred is the only important ingredient. The fact of the matter is that we we are humans, and we have skin color. I am not white. I am beige. Others are not black. They are brown, tan, ebony, and many other colors. To use the term “black” or “white” is a denial of reality in the assertion of a class judgment. Europeans needed to feel superior to all the people they met, and they invented the structure of evil to run the world.
We Are All Africans
The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colors, by Frances Cress Welsing (December 1, 2004) asserts and Cruise that the first humans had dark skin. Her theory is that the creatures who left Africa were albino members of these tribal units. It is a fascinating concept. She goes on to a CERT that the lack of pigment in the albino skin caused a very deep-seated resentment against those humans with pigmented skin. This means that I am not white. I am all by now. Albino. So, if you need to labeled me my label would be BSCHB (beige skin colored human being)or AHB (albino human being). You Candy side can decide your own acronym for the kind of human you want to be. There is no reason to use White, yellow, Black, Brown, or any other General hating term. From now on, all racism Will be called what it really is: hateism: The practice of hate. (it is also the name for a metal Rock band),
So, if anyone asks you what race you are, you can say I am of no race, race does not exist. I am an Albino-Descendent-Human-Being (said Ad-hab), or I am a Beige-Skin-Colored-Human- Being. (Said Bes-cab). The bottom line is that we are own Africans.
As dr. Beckerman says: “..So don’t forget, next time you fill in the U.S. Census you should write in the word Black next to the question about your race, regardless of your shade of pale….” We should say that instead of black you should write “Brown Skin Colored Human Being” (Said: Bes-hab).
Reproduced in its entirety with permission.  © Linda Beckerman, Ph.D.
Who killed Lincoln?
It might surprise you that the assassination of Abraham Lincoln was directed been carried out on the orders of Edwin Stanton. Stanton was the secretary of war. He was one of the leaders of the radical republican party. He and his friends had lots of reasons to take Abraham Lincoln out of his office. People forget that the state of Louisiana fell to the Union as early as 1861. From that time on the state was run by the federal government. During the years that followed Lincoln tried many ways to run the state. One of his ideas was called the 10% solution. In this way,, 10% of the black population would be allowed to vote. In no way did he support 100% of suffrage for freed slaves.
On the night that Lincoln was assassinated, other members of the administration where also threatened. Stanton hoped to become president through their deaths. Andrew Johnson did become president, and the radical Republicans were able to accomplish their idea of reconstruction over his objections. By the time Grant was elected president, the fanatics had their way.
Reconstruction is one of the least understood periods in American history. Even today, you can hear what president Woodrow Wilson sad about it. “reconstruction failed because Black people could not govern themselves”. This is one of the most outrageous statements ever made about American history. Woodrow Wilson was one of the most race Haiti presidents presidents we ever had. Only once in his two terms did he allow people of color to visit him. One of them was Booker T. Washington. After that visit, Woodrow Wilson did not allow a person of color to come through the front doors of the White House. You see, history has removed most of the truth of reconstruction. For instance, the carpet baggers described as people who wanted to help Southerners. That is simply not true. They were buyers of property what’s Northern money of Southern land. They bought properties for pennies on the dollar. Furthermore, it is never mentioned that Southerners who were white and helped with the civil war were not allowed to vote. This meant that the legislatures in the south became totally totally Black. It was during that period that’s a first black representatives entered the Congress. It was during this period that the first black Americans became Governors of southern states. The deprivation of the voting by white Southerners continued for 10 years. It was not stopped until after Rutherford Hayes was inaugurated in March of 1877. During that 10 year.. The white to white the white people in the south Took two violence to harass people of color throughout the south. They organize a tax on the legislatures. They organized a whole new set of laws that limited the rights of people of color. We under estimate and want to ignore the rage and hatred that reconstruction created. This arrangement was probably the worst thing anyone could do for people of color in the south. Disenfranchising them insane period. It raises the question about the cause of the war in itself. For in the reconstruction, they built a reservoir of have. When reconstruction was over, and when the haze agreed to end reconstruction, the north did nothing to and hands soup support or aid people of color in the south. They left them to be condemned to share cropping so, second-class school second-class educations, and lives that were equal to their lives as slaves. So, you Know that the war itself was fought slowly for the purpose of destroying the is the southern economy. At the start of the war come the wealth in slaves was greater then all the wealth in all the banks of the north. Therefore, reconstruction and the evil that it perpetrated against white Southerners launched the hating that we experienced today.
Of course we cannot forget that over the 10 year period whites in the south carry-on in violent ruthless and murderous campaign against both blacks and the union military. 
Nazis in America
Any discussion of the history of America over the last 75 years would have to include the role of Nazis and especially German Nazis in our life. I wish you could all read the secret war against the Jews buy errands and Loftus. It shows and proves that when Alan Dallas allowed 10,000 German officers to immigrate into the United States after World War II, our nation National corporate leaders found there guiding light. You see, American corporations supported adult Hitler and the third Reich as a way to create a bulwark against Communist Russia. They supplied the right.. They stayed in contact with the Reich throughout the war. After the war, and with the immigrants from Germany, they created a powerful and consistent ruling class for our country. You can see this in the shape of the Citibank Corporation logo. You can see this when you consider that both Avril Harriman and Prescott Bush were indicted as traitors after that had been working at a Nazi bank for years. They were able to avoid imprisonment by paying fines. In fact, when Eisenhower was elected President, Alan Dulles sued and recovered the fines that Bush and Harriman had paid. According to Aarons and Loftus, George H.W. Bush was put in charge of these German immigrants in a group called the Ethnic Wing of the Republican Party. Bush’s position was so prestigious that after only one and a half years as a representative, he was asked hi Nixon to resign from the House of Representatives and run for the Senate in Texas. He lost, but then landed up as the ambassador to the United Nations. After that, he worked as , as an envoy to China, an 365 days as the head of the CIA. This, appeared to be enough to have him selected as Reagan’s vice presidential candidate. There is no doubt in my mind that he was the Nazi candidate.
Subprime Mortgages and the Destruction of redlined Neighborhoods
We must remember that the most influential person in the economy of the United States of America was the racist AyRand (1905-1982). She created if philosophy call objectivism. It extolled the the attitudes of selfishness, racial superiority, and hatred for the multitudes. Her most famous disciple is Alan Greenspan. From Wikipedia: ObjectivismObjectivism.
In the early 1950s, Greenspan began an association with novelist and philosopher Ayn Rand.[53] Greenspan was introduced to Rand by his first wife, Joan Mitchell. Rand nicknamed Greenspan “the undertaker” because of his penchant for dark clothing and reserved demeanor. Although Greenspan was initially a logical positivist,[61] he was converted to Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism by her associate Nathaniel Branden. He became one of the members of Rand’s inner circle, the Ayn Rand Collective, who read Atlas Shrugged while it was being written. During the 1950s and 1960s Greenspan was a proponent of Objectivism, writing articles for Objectivist newsletters and contributing several essays for Rand’s 1966 book Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal including an essay supporting the gold standard.[62][63]Rand stood beside him at his 1974 swearing-in as Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers. Greenspan and Rand remained friends until her death in 1982
It was through these irrational and antisocial beliefs upon which Greenspan based his
leadership of the Federal Reserve. Over and over again, he made decisions tha
encourage the worst behaviors. The premise of objectivism is that selfishness Will lead
to a rational distribution of goods and services, because capitalists Will consider there
needs and wants without damaging the society which in with they reside. This allowed
Greenspan and President Clinton to approve of corporate decisions to and
manufacturing in the United States and take it overseas. President Clinton said that we
were moving to a service economy. No one seemed to realize that without a 
manufacturing foundation the United States would fail to sustain itself over the coming
That is how it came to pass said Alan Greenspan, President Clinton, the Congress of
United States, and the capitalists agreed to create the largest scam and theft ever
created in the world history. The Congress voted to repeal the Glass-Stegalll A at and
that allowed money from savings accounts in American banks to be mixed in and use 
as a resource for investments. This wall between investment and savings finances had
been put in place after the 1929 depression. The scam was complicated and ver difficult
to understand. Americans became swept away in the use of new money to back what
were called subprime mortgages. Millions of Americans Took out these mortgages, but
in addition to those there were thousands that were created as forgeries. There were
offices in the United States that we’re producing a thousand fof these false mortgages a
a week.
What no one told these borrowers was the fact that their mortgage was going to go from
their original 2% to 13% after two years. This would mean that a vast majority of these
mortgages would end up in foreclosure, and over 95% of them did. There was a golden 
the lining to the clouds of these foreclosures.. These subprime mortgages were
brought together to form supposedly assets. These assets we’re put up to back stocks.
Millions of dollars or perhaps trillions we’re invested in these stocks. The people who
created the stocks knew that if the mortgages went bad the stocks would be
worthless. That sounds terrible doesn’t. What the designers of this scam had done
was to create an insurance backing these stocks. The fiduciary nature of this insurance
was called Credit Default Swap Bonds. They were not called Insurance, for that
would’ve required regulations. The last thing objectivists want in there money hungry 
lives is the intervention of any government or moral power. So, the credit default swap
Bonds insured they’re holders against the loss of value of assets backing stocks. If the
stocks lost their value, the credit default swap bondholder would be paid $30 for every
dollar of their investment. Therefore, when a $200,000 Home goes into foreclosure, the
CDSB holder receives $6 million dollars. The total amount of money paid out by AIG is
over $35 trillion. It is the largest theft in the history of the world. There were other goals
to this scam in addition to making vast wealth for a tiny number of people. Most of the
mortgages we’re given to people living in red line neighborhoods. The land that had
these homes on them had increased in value. So, if the houses were removed, millions
and millions of dollars could be made by building the mansions on this land. They
would then be sold through the visa five system to wealthy foreigners. Became pawns
and this theft.
I have many more ideas about these subjects. You can read some of them on my blog:
Thank you for reading.
Here is the list of Ehnic categories on site
East Asian
Central Asian
Eastern European
European Jewish
Finnish & Russian
Hunter-Gatherers of South Central Africa
Iberian Peninsula
Italian & Greek
Ivory Coast, Ghana
Middle Eastern
Native American
North African
South Asian
Southeast Africa
Western European